3 Year Old and Her Violin!
{Southestern Wisconsin Child Photographer}

This I do believe, was my quickest session to date.  This poor little peanut was cold.  🙁  It actually wasn’t to bad when we got to our location and I got about 5 minutes with her.  But then, out of nowhere really, the wind picked up and it got really chilly.  It actually happened within a matter of minutes and poor little Ms. M just couldn’t fake it anymore.    But, that’s okay… we got some cute ones anyway.  I just loved her little violin.  She looked sooooo cute with it and she seemed so proud of it too.  🙂  Anyway, it was great seeing you again “D” and “M”, maybe next time we try to take you out for pics, we’ll wait for summer when it’s warm.  LOL  Here is a little sneak peek for you and, while you are visiting my blog, feel free to click on the “add a comment” link below this post.  I’d love to know what you think.  Thank-you, Kimberly