I just love this little one to pieces and could just look at her, play with her and take pictures of her all day long. She is the smiliest and happiest baby ever and is the best-est niece any auntie could have. 🙂 Yep, that’s me. So, I may be a little bias but you gotta admit, she is too stinkin’ cute…. isn’t she? 🙂 I am having so much fun watching her grow and change. I did her newborn pictures when she was only 6 days old and now she is just about 5 months old. Boy how time flies and little ones change so quickly. It really is amazing. Anyway mom and dad, here is a little sneak peek of beautiful Ms. L. And, Ms. L, never quit smiling. It looks wonderful on you. Love, Aunt Kimmi
Here she is at just 6 days old….
And here she is today….