Gearing Up For a Busy Season!
{Southeastern Wisconsin Photographer}

This beautiful young lady agreed to be my model for some “test” shots.  Trying out some new lighting equipment and scouting out some new locations.  We had a blast and we were out for almost 2 and a half hours before we knew it.  It is true, time does fly when you’re having fun.  🙂  Anyway, thank-you so much Ms. P for being my muse and putting up with all my “wait”… “no wait”… “okay, almost done”…. “wait”… “stay put”….. well, I think you get the drift.  LOL   I am almost finished picking out my favorites and getting them ready for you but, wanted to share a few of them here on my blog for you while you waited.  While you are visiting my blog, feel free to click on the “add a comment” link below this post and leave a comment.  I’d love to know what you think.  Thank-you, Kimberly