What an AWESOME way to kick off the start to an extremely busy class of 2011 year. I had such a good time with this lovely young lady yesterday evening. It was a little to hot and humid for words though and we also could have done without all those nasty mosquitoes. But, other than that, she did amazing. We started off in this beautiful garden area in Burlington. However, both of us forgot our bug spray. 🙁 We tried for a whole maybe 5 minutes but we could not take the mosquitoes. They were out in full force ready to suck our blood. Luckily for us and Ms. N’s quick thinking we saw a gardener when we pulled in and like Ms. N said “she doesn’t look like she’s getting attacked.” LOL She we asked her if she had any bug spray and yippee, she did. So, off we went again and it was soooo much better….. still hot and humid, but the mosquitoes were now kept at bay. 🙂 So then we headed off to another location where Ms. N braved it and got in the water to cool off. 🙂 Again, Ms, N, I had an awesome time with you and really hope you enjoyed the experience as well. Anyway, I know you are anxious to see your sneak peek, so wait no more because here it is. 🙂 While you are visiting my blog, feel free to click on the “add a comment” link below this post and leave me a comment. I’d love to know what you think so far. Thank-you, Kimberly