GO Pack GO!
{Milwaukee Wisconsin Child Photographer}

Only 8 months old and he already knows who Americas Team is and just in time for the Super Bowl. This little guy was so full of smiles and look at all those teeth at such a young age.  He really enjoyed showing them off. 🙂 I’ve “technically” photographed Mr. S 3 times now. First time he was still in Mama’s belly, 2nd time when he was just a few days old and now.  He has gotten so big and I loved watching his new found personality.  At the very end of this session, I was helping mom pack up and I noticed this green and yellow thing in the diaper bag.  I said “is this little Packer jersey for Mr. S?” and Mom said “yes, it is. I forgot I brought it.”  We were actually finished with the session by that time but I just had to get him, especially now with the Packers in the Super Bowl, in his jersey.  By the way, if you couldn’t tell, I am a HUGE Packer fan.  GO PACK GO!  LOL  Anyway, we got the shirt on him and he threw his arms up in the air.  And, I bet if he could talk, he would have said “touchdown!” Hahaha….. Alrighty then, here in Mr. S and all his awesome smiles. 

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Hahahaha LOVE!!!!!! 🙂