Beautiful Blue Eyes Senior Girl… Class of 2012!!!
{Mukwonago WI High School Senior Photographer}

And yet another way to fun senior girl…. I did this young ladies sisters senior pictures 2 years ago and now I had the pleasure to photograph Ms. R’s senior pictures.  We went to the same location as her sister did 2 years ago but there was a pretty big difference.  Her sister was the first senior I took to this location and since then, I have found a ton more nooks and crannies.  🙂  I just love this place.  Every time I go there, I seem to find something new.  🙂  Mom and older sister came along to the session as well and I kept hearing “oh, I remember this” or…. “ohhh, this is new”… LOL Anyway, I had a great time yet again with this family and Ms. R was a dream to photograph.  She was a rock star and her eyes are amazing.  🙂  Very beautiful girl. 

I hope you had a good time Ms. R…. I know I sure did.  🙂

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