2 Year Old Celebration
{Southeastern WI Child/Family Photographer}

I have been photographing this little girl since she was a couple of weeks new.  🙂  I actually lost count as to how many times I have actually photographed her but it’s been about 5 maybe 6 times in the last 2 years.  Mom loves to capture her in pictures on the day of her actual birthday so every year, ok 2 years now LOL, she has scheduled her birthday pictures well in advance to make sure she gets her date.  🙂  This year the whole family was there.  Ms. E didn’t get a nap in that afternoon but I still think she did a wonderful job and she is too stinkin’ cute and has such a fun loving personality.  🙂

Anyway, it was so nice to see all of you again and I am already looking forward to next year on August 18th.  🙂

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