Wonderful Senior Girl… Class of 2012!!!
{Fort Atkinson WI High School Senior Photographer}

This was a fun, fun session…. I absolutely love new locations and this one was beautiful.  All I can tell you is I was somewhere on the outskirts of Madison but I actually have no idea where I was.  LOL  I guess I’ll do just about anything for a new location… hahaha…… I figure, as long as I get there I am good…. getting home, no big deal… I’ll just set the GPS to “go home” and get there eventually.  Hahaha…. anyway, I am sure we didn’t even touch the surface of this park…. it was big.  But, we did find a gorgeous path built through tons and tons of bright yellow, beautiful wild flowers and a gorgeous beach.  It was a perfect location with a perfect class of 2012 senior.  🙂

I had a blast with you Ms. A and look forward to seeing you again soon.

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