What is the best part of the hospital?  The outside.  This is according to 5 year old Ms. P.
To know Ms. P is to love Ms. P. Heck, I already loved Ms. P and her family before I ever even met them.  I literally loved them in my mind.
My sister, we’ll call her Elf Kandi, is a volunteer Elf for the “Flight to the North Pole” at the 128th Air Refueling Wing in Milwaukee, WI.  The Flight is an annual volunteer event organized by a group of former Eastern Airlines flight attendants and a local unit of the Wisconsin Air National Guard.  These groups, along with dozens of military and civilian volunteers, turn the wing into an imaginary North Pole airline for children who are suffering life threatening illnesses.
My sister, Elf Kandi, was assigned to this beautiful young family who really pulled at her heartstrings.  And when she told me about this family, they pulled at mine too and I knew I wanted/needed to meet them and I wanted to give them the gift of pictures.  So, Elf Kandi contacted the head Elf who in turn went through the proper channels and before I knew it, I was talking to mom on the phone and we were scheduling a complimentary photo session.

On March 28, 2011 at the age of 4, Ms. P was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. She was suffering from Wilm’s Tumor disease, a rare form of kidney cancer in children. That same week it was discovered that the cancer had metastasized.  Doctors found nine tumors on her lungs, four in her spine and four on her kidneys.
In early November family members saw a dramatic turn around.  Ms. P was still undergoing chemotherapy but she starting acting like herself again.  Shortly afterward, doctors said Ms. P was in remission.
During the session, when asked, “where did your cancer go Ms. P?”  She replied “it went bye bye”.
I really enjoyed working with this family and older sister Ms. A is a dream.  She is a beautiful young lady inside and out and really looks after her little sister.
Thank-you so much for letting me into your lives and I am so grateful for Ms. P’s continued health.  You 3 will be in my heart forever.  🙂

Over the several month bout with cancer, Ms. P received almost 400 “Beads of Courage” representing all of her various treatments, procedures and milestones. 

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