Beautiful Senior Girl…Class of 2014!!!
{Mukwonago WI High School Senior Photographer}

This session was definitely 3rd times a charm.  First scheduled session date was almost 100deg and near 100% humidity so we re-scheduled. Second session we were 1/4th of the way through and the sky opened up with a downpour.  And our third try, rain was coming so we met earlier than our scheduled time and BAM… a success.  🙂  We nailed it. It poured all the way home but we got it in with beautiful sunshine.  🙂
Thank-you so much for you patience with the weather Ms. J.  I love everyone of your images and can not wait for you to see them all.  But, a sneak peek will have to do for now.  You will be able to see the rest really, really soon.
While you are visiting our blog and enjoying the sneak peek, please feel free to click on the notes section below this post to leave Kimberly Ann Photography or Ms. J a comment. but please, do NOT copy these images or save them to your computer.  These images are protected by Copyright Laws. Please use one of the “sharing is sexy” icons below this post to share with family and friends.
Photography By: Kimberly Ann: 262-492-3893 /
Thank-you, Kimberly
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