“A girls eyes have their own vocabulary. Learn to speak their language and you will always succeed in making her happy.” ????
Make-up By: Dream Hair Studio
Kimberly Ann Photography is located in East Troy, WI in Southeastern WI. Feel free to contact us by filling contact form at the bottom of this post, email Kimberly directly at kimberlyannphotography@yahoo.com or call 262-492-3893. ????
Q: Have you ever done a boudoir shoot before? If yes, how did your shoot with Kimberly compare to your prior experience?
A: No, this was my first one
Q: What was your own personal reason for wanting to have a boudoir session? Was your session a gift for anyone special, or just for yourself?
A: This was just for myself. I had recently lost a lot of weight and hadn’t done a photo shoot in a while and thought this would be fun.
Q: Why did you choose Kimberly Ann Photography for your boudoir experience?
A: She was very close to where I live and her pricing was reasonable.
Q: How did your session with Kimberly Ann Photography differ from what you were expecting before entering our studio?
A: I had no expectations. My experience was really fun.
Q: What was your favorite part of the boudoir experience?
A: The overall experience was great. We had a lot of fun in picking different outfits for the shoot.
Q: Other than beautiful photos, of course, what else did you take away from your boudoir experience? What type of impact did it have on you?
A: I’d like to do another shoot and get really artsy…silhouettes, nudes but tastefully done.