I hope this blog post finds you doing well and you and your family are safe and healthy. I’m sure a lot of you are juggling multiple roles and responsibilities that you never expected. If you are a parent of a school aged child you are now learning how to homeschool. If you are still working an essential business you are probably working longer and harder hours as well as homeschooling if you are a parent. It certainly is a crazy time right now.
I know how hard emotionally and mentally and even physically this can be for all of you. And myself as a small business owner who has been forced to close, life has definitely thrown a curve ball at us. As the impact of COVID-19 grows my top priority is the well-being of my family, my team and our continued ability to serve our clients. With that said, I just want to share with all of you the steps we are taking in the studio to ensure the safety of everyone.
I also would just like to let you know that we are still open for future sessions and ladies, I know you’ll need a little me time, a little pampering when this is all said and done. So book your future 2020 session NOW. No need to wait. Get on our summer or fall schedule now. Click here to schedule your FREE NO OBLIGATION phone consultation. I’d love to talk with you and tell you exactly what a day of pampering can do for you.
Please do not hesitate to contact me by either scheduling a phone call above or even simply fill out the contact form below.
Stay safe and stay healthy. Much love, Kimberly and Mary Ann