I had an amazing time with Ms. D here. Two farms and 2.5 hours later…. oops… LOL… we lost track of time and was wondering why it was starting to get dark. Haha…. but, we needed to hurry and get to the wheat feild that her dad so graciously left us an uncut patch for her photo session. We had to get to it, and we did… just in time. It was another hot one but we managed and we managed well. We also didn’t make the best pair as we would both take off running every time we saw a BEE. LOL For all that know me and have had a session with me, you know how I am about bees. Well, now I have finally found someone who is just as bad as me. 🙂 Also, the horseflies were horrible. Not as afraid of those as I am bees but they are sooooo annoying. The way they kept buzzing around our heads. Grrrrr! But, besides the bees, flies and heat…. we had an awesome session and like I said, so awesome we lost track of the time. 🙂 Anyway, Ms. D, it was wonderful working with you and I hope you had a good time as well. Here’s a little sneak peek that I promised you and while you are visiting my blog, I’d love to know you’re thoughts… of the sneak peek and the experience with Kimberly Ann Photography. You can do that by clicking on the “add a comment” link below this post. Thank-you and I look forward to seeing you again. ~Kimberly