This was again, another wonderful session and again, another fear of rain but it turned out to be a gorgeous night. A photographers dream in fact. Beautiful! I just love it when a plan comes together. 🙂 This session was a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Our chosen location had a lot of fun variety and ya all know me, I love variety. Ms. C here also knew how to work the camera and the camera loved her. Her beautiful hair, blue eyes and all those freckles. I love me some freckles. LOL I had an awesome time once again at this session and Ms. C was an absolute blast to work with. Anyway, I know you and your mom are anxioulsy awaiting your sneak peek so, wait no more. Here it is. And, while you are visiting my blog, feel free to click on the “add a comment” link below this post and let me know what you think so far and what you thought of your experience with Kimberly Ann Photography. Thank-you, Kimberly