ADvice, sessions & gorgeous women
This is Mr. M’s 5th birthday session. Love this guy and love his goofy faces and spunky personality. Love watching him grow. 🙂 All his funny faces…. Through the years….
Just because it’s winter, doesn’t mean we stop shooting. We LOVE snow sessions. This session we were in a race against the warmth. It was a gorgeous day with temps in the high 40’s and the snow was melting fast. But, we got it in before it was gone and it was amazing 🙂
“A recipe for LOVE, a spoonful of SMILES, a jar of JOY, a cupful of KISSES and a handful of HUGS” …. together they make a beautiful family <3 Fall Family photos and babies first birthday photos. It was a beautiful day for an outdoor fall session. Everything was perfect and the kiddos were amazing. I can’t […]
Such an amazing family. I love working with them. I have done a few sessions with them now and when I first met this family, there were no Grandchildren. Now there are SIX 🙂 They are all so cute and so well behaved. Give me a family like this any day 🙂 Please do NOT […]
Such a wonderful family to work with. Mom told me from the get go that her boys weren’t really into the photo thing. But, she said they would do it for her and that they did. Mom, you did good. You raised two amazing sons 🙂 Please do NOT copy these images or save them […]
I am a weee bit bias because this little beauty is my niece. So, while I may be wearing rose colored glasses…. I think she is the most precious thing ever. Such a beautiful and good little girl. Love her to pieces 🙂 Pictured at 6 months old and just sitting up on her own […]
Nothing beats a shy two year old. 🙂 So stinking cute. It didn’t take him long to warm up to me though and that’s also awesome. We got some awesome laughs and some amazing shots and memories. 🙂 Please do NOT copy these images or save them to your computer. These images are protected by […]
LOVED this session, LOVE this kid. Mr. M, although I have photographed him like a dozen + times…. NO lie 🙂 He was still being shy and he was COLD. So he really didn’t want to play with me. We were going to save the hot coco for the end but we decided to pull […]